The Benefits

The most obvious benefit of having a mobility scooter is being able to get out and about. The days of being stuck indoors or relying on others to chaperone you are long gone. Owning a mobility scooter gives you the chance to have your own independence where you can go to the shops, visit family and friends and improve your quality of life.

Anyone who struggles to walk or gets tired after walking a short distance could benefit from using a mobility scooter. Using an electric scooter is certainly not an admission of defeat; quite the reverse – it can make a great deal of difference to you and will help improve the quality of your life, and can provide a new lease of life and a new found independence for you.

A scooter can also help give you more energy as you won’t be using all your energy in trying to walk, or pushing a traditional wheelchair. Using an electric scooter will help to relieve the strain on your shoulder muscles and your wrist and elbow joints that are used when pushing yourself along in a self propelled wheelchair. Most modern mobility scooters can travel great distances between battery charges helping to provide you with the freedom to go wherever you want, whenever you want.

Going to the shops 

Most mobility scooters have a key to start them, and so if the key is removed the scooter cannot be driven, which means that the scooter can be left outside a shop, for example, and it can be “locked” like a car.

You can visit friends and relatives at your convenience, without needing to rely on public transport.

Mobility scooters come with baskets and essential accessories to make your journey easy. People of all ages can gain from owning a mobility scooter, it’s not just for the elderly who can be unsteady on their feet. Owning a mobility scooter is for everyone nowadays. Owning a mobility scooter can mean the difference between managing to live at home independently, and having to rely on others. You will get the freedom back that you deserve.